This is not a post on the Jersey no of David Beckham or Lebron James or Michael Jordan..
I'm officially 23 now, it sucks aging!! i've never felt so old in my life.. and its just beginning!
It was not like any other b'day celebration's i've had before, it was very simple this year, dinner with a friend and late night coffee, right on the day before ma b'day. hmmm it was nice to be wished by so many.. thanks to FB i guess.. :P hehe
got to run now, aint got no time for blogging or commenting again... will get back to blogger world sometime soon.. until then.. i aint dead, im just MIA..
7 years ago
Happy Belated Bday Wishes Bro! we cant stop the aging but we can still party hard and enjoy life na :D
Wish you a Wonderful Year Ahead !
All the Best
happy b day... recently i became 30...was upset ..but no point worrying coz it can't be stopped
Wish I could be 23 enjoy your years!:)
a late post i see... you b'day was a few days ago!!
but then, I wished you on time.. and am awaiting your treat..:D
Happy belated!
And you're only as old as you feel! Keep partying!
Happy balated Birthday!!! Hope you had a lot of fun! Cheers!
Disease: Thanks mate...
TI-EYE: 30 is somewht long time for me....
Indya: always making me wonder i'd be doin that when my time comes around to that..
LD: very late post yes.. :D oh well ma weekends have bceome more crappy.. only weekdays are working for me.. ill give you a buzz..
Scrumpy: partyin never stopss ;-)
Angel: thanks for the wishes..
haha dude, havent u heard? 23 is da new 25! ur in da prime o ur life, enjoy! :D
yea im 23 too, is it tat obvious?! :D
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